Christians such as Alvin Plantinga and William Lane Craig
claim that Christian belief is “properly basic” and affirmed by the “inner
witness of the Holy Spirit” respectively, in
an attempt to give the faithful a reason to sidestep the charges of
Hell as a place of fire and brimstone has been
replaced with the idea as hell as an “absence from God” or simply annihilation
from existence altogether.
“Open Theism” has led to profound changes among
some Christians to God’s foreknowledge and omnipotence, namely that God doesn’t
know the future and doesn’t have the power to change it.
Satan is now blamed for millions of years of
animal suffering.
Preterism, the view that all of Jesus’
eschatological predictions were fulfilled with the destruction of the Jerusalem
temple in 70AD, is now embraced by Christians as a response to Jesus’ failed
prophesies of his return.
Some have even given up on the idea of the supernatural
altogether and claim that Jesus didn’t actually rise from the dead physically, but
rather spiritually.
And some are even embracing homosexuality
Loftus argues that Christians are deluded (thus the title of
the book). He doesn’t claim that this delusion is a mental disorder, rather it
is the result of built in social conditioning that trains one to believe and contains
certain defense mechanisms to squash out doubt. The critic will of Loftus will claim that
mere disagreement among Christians does not falsify their entire religion, but
that’s not the argument that Loftus is making.
His argument is that Christianity is ultimately a human invention that
has survived due to its ability to adapt to the selective pressures from
science, skeptics, and other faiths. Loftus himself is not deluded to think that
mere refutations of traditional Christian claims will exterminate their
faith. He says that Christianity will
change. “The Christianity of the past
was different than today’s…And the Christianity of the future will be just as
different as the presently accepted one (19).”
Thus, Loftus’s challenge to the believing reader is to put their faith to
the test, and to examine the claims of Christianity with the same level of
skepticism that they apply to religious claims besides their own.